Výročné stretnutie United VARs 2019

Výročné stretnutie United VARs 2019

Uskutoční sa od 1. do 4. apríla v nemeckom St. Leon-Rot, neďaleko Walldorfu

Globálna aliancia SAP partnerov United VARs na výročnom stretnutí už tradične privíta nových členov. V roku 2018 aliancia v tomto smere "oslávila päťdesiatku" - pribudlo totiž 7 partnerov, ktorí sú implementátori riešení SAP a ďalší 3 partneri, ktorí vytvárajú na SAP nadväzujúce riešenia.

Rovnako ako počas minulých rokov, aj tento rok sa na výročné stretnutie chystajú tiež zástupcovia MIBCONu. Trh IT sa stále viac globalizuje a my sme schopní zákazníkom vďaka partnerstvu so svetovými IT lídrami v oblasti riešení SAP ponúknuť širšie portfólio služieb.

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Partneri v rámci aliancie z celého sveta spolupracujú na globálnych projektoch, a to dáva zákazníkom záruku, že ich projekty budú kvalitne realizované, v rámci SAP štandardov, nielen v centrále spoločnosti, ale aj v ďalších pobočkách v zahraničí.

Recap - What happened last year?

Last year's United VARs Annual Meeting took place in Waldorf at the SAP headquarters, with over 100 attendees, in April 2018. The newest members were invited to the Annual Meeting were TeamIdea (Russia), with Myanmar Information Technologies (Myanmar), AXXIS Consulting (Singapore), and Soltius (Indonesia).

As solution partners, Huawei, Symmetry, NEC, as well as the new partners ProcessWeaver and Isec7 joined the Annual Meeting for the first time and presented their complementary solution portfolio. Additionally, there were nine awards given out to the United VARs members as "Partners of the Year" winners and finalists, with B4B Solutions / Austria for Hybris and Seidor / Spain for Cloud, Analytics & Insight as winners, and United VARs itself as SAP Global Platinum Resellers of the Year.

United VARs annual meeting also serves as the perfect foundation for SAP to meet its partners' most experienced re-sellers from around the world on a single spot; Franck Cohen (President of Digital Core & Industry Solutions), Rodolpho Cardenuto (President of Global Partner Organisation), Bobby Vetter (SVP Global Partner Operations) gave speeches on.

What can we expect this year?

The United VARs Annual Meeting 2019 will take place in St. Leon-Rot from the 1st to 4th of April and will review all of the accomplishments from 2018 and to welcome the new member companies that have recently joined as well as the partners that have successfully joined the alliance in the previous year.

As international outsourcing and outreach have become more important to our customers, United VARs is seeking innovative ways to intensify global cooperation and to pass this knowledge on to customers undergoing the globalisation process. With this in mind, at the Annual Meeting it is highlighted how we can add value through increased collaboration of our members, plus offer more services and a joint portfolio for our customers on a global scale – Leading the way. Additionally, the keynote SAP speech will be held by Adaire Fox-Martin who is a member of the Executive Board of SAP SE. As well as speeches will be held by Bobby Vetter, Steffen Burger, Claud Grünewald and many others.